About AAC blocks

Our Inside Block Story

AAC Block Composition

Know before you Choose

Klavetek AAC Block vs. Red Brick

AAC Blocks
Red bricks


AAC Blocks can withstand 3500 PSI(pound-force per square inch).

The limit of Clay Bricks is found at 3000 PSI so are slightly weaker.


AACs are durable but have a refined surface that can be exposed over time.

Bricks last longer than AACs but they are also prone to chips and cracks.


AAC blocks are extremely versatile and can be used for variety of projects.
Bricks are collectively flexible but individual bricks are difficult to cut.
AAC blocks are light-weight hence easy to transport and save overall cost.
Bricks are almost twice the weight of AAC Blocks & hence heavy to transport & more difficult to handle.

Overall Cost

AAC blocks are cheaper alternative to conventional clay bricks.
Bricks are more expensive as they are less flexible and require more labor costs.


There is no top soil consumption and it emits very low carbon dioxide.
It actually damages environment.


How to Install your KLAVETEK AAC BLOCKS to prevent any cracks on the walls

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